Liberia’s First National Dialysis Center Officially Commissions

(March 1, 2022, Monrovia, Liberia)—the government of Liberia, through Ministry of Health, has officially commissioned Liberia’s first National hemodialysis center, named Ellen Johnson Sirleaf Dialysis  Center; in honor of former President Ellen Johnson Sirleaf.

The dedication followed after a thorough assessment of the need to establish a dialysis center in Liberia, the Ellen Johnson Sirleaf led government in 2014, entered into a bilateral agreement with the Government of japan to build the first National Hemodialysis Center.

Subsequently, a medical team from the JFK Hospital was sent to Japan for training in early 2014. Regrettably, after their return, the project to establish the hemodialysis center was put on hold due to competing priorities from the devastating effects of the deadly Ebola Virus Disease Epidemic that left our health system. The epidemic inflicted many Liberians, but we are told that the death of health workers reduced our health workforce by a little of over 8%.

One of such disastrous consequences evolving from the deadly EVD epidemic was the unfortunate death of one of the medical team members who traveled to Japan for hemodialysis training. Dr. Abraham Borbor, the nation’s dialysis pioneer, lost his life due to the deadly EVD in 2014.

On May 9, 2015, the World Health Organization (WHO) declared Liberia as the first country in the West African nation to eradicate the deadly EVD epidemic; Liberia had to make plans for recovery. The government developed a new post-Ebola five-year strategic plan to rebuild the health system; this plan included training of Medical Doctors and Nurses in various specialized health related fields.

Ellen Johnson Sirleaf Dialysis Center

As government is continuity, in early 2018, the government of Japan met with the newly elected government of President George Manneh Weah, through the Ministry of Health, Dr. Wilhelmina Jallah and her able deputies without any hesitation, welcome the invitation to re-engage and further strengthen bilateral partnership to ensure the establishment of the National Hemodialysis Center.

Participants at the Opening Ceremony

At this point, Tokushukai Medical Group, sent Dr. Milanga to established, and plans were made to send the members of team on a study tour to Ghana to prepare them for the task of building a National Hemodialysis Center. The role of the Tokushukai Medical Group was 2-fold; to train a team of 6 (2 medical Doctors, 1 surgeon, 2 nurses and 1 biomedical technician), and purchase the equipment to run the Center. Through NIPRO (a partner of Tokushukai Medical Group) to new dialysis machines, a water system, and one-year warranty on the maintenance of machines were purchased and sent to Liberia.

Participants at the Opening Ceremony

Due to the need for additional resources, a proposal was submitted by the MOH to the World Bank, requesting additional support for the Center, World Bank approved our request for funding, and provided the much-needed support through the World Health Organization (WHO).

It is through this support of over $400,000 from the World Bank that the team completed the study tour, and the building was completely renovated, and extra consumables were purchased.  Efforts to acquire the critical facility began a decade ago during the regime of former President Sirleaf to provide access to much-needed dialysis care in Liberia.

However, President George Manneh Weah, who officially opened the Center, acknowledged difficulties Liberians had endured in accessing advanced dialysis-related medical services outside of the country.

President Weah Making Remarks at the opening Ceremony

With the existential issues of Liberians travelling abroad for kidney treatment and other disease complications, he recounted: “For too long, Liberians have had to travel out of the country to seek dialysis treatment. No one needs to tell you how costly that is. Not only would you have to worry about the cost of treatment in a foreign country, there is airfare, accommodation, and so many other associated costs which make the overall cost of this lifesaving treatment unaffordable for many.”

President Weah expressed optimism that with the opening of the first Dialysis Center, “anyone and everyone can get affordable dialysis treatment right here in Liberia.”

He described the ten-bed facility as a good beginning, which he insisted is insufficient to address the needs of the entire country.

Dr. Weah unveiling the Center

“I therefore wish to call for the early expansion of this facility, and its replication in other counties in order to provide easy access for our citizens who reside in the rural areas,” the Liberian Leader asserted.

President Weah stressed the need for appropriate budgetary support for the operation and maintenance of the facility, including the adequate supply of consumables and medications, and training. 

President Weah reflected how he was briefed in 2018 upon taking office by the then newly-appointed Minister of Health, Dr. Wilhelmina Jallah who told him that there was an urgent need for dialysis facilities in Liberia.

Dr. Jallah leading dignitaries touring the center

Dr. Jallah had told the President about existing efforts in the pipeline since 2011 under the previous administration for the establishment of a National Dialysis Center.

The President said he quickly instructed the Minister to exert every effort to bring the project to fruition, giving her his every encouragement and support. 

“And so today, four years later, I am pleased to be here to participate in the Opening Ceremony of the first Liberia National Dialysis Center,” the President said.

President Weah emphasized the importance of the National Dialysis Center, describing it as a major milestone in the Government’s effort to provide comprehensive and modern health facilities to the People of Liberia. He particularly acknowledged the efforts of former President Sirleaf and ex- Health Minister Dr. Walter Gwinegale.

Dr. Weah also extolled the extraordinary role played by former Liberian Ambassador to Japan, Madam Youngor Telewoda, who is now accredited to Germany.

The President added: “I would also like to express my thanks and appreciation to all of those who, under my Administration, have worked tirelessly to complete the Liberia National Dialysis Center, including the Minister of Health, Dr. Wilhelmina Jallah and her able team, as well as the administrative and medical leadership of the John F. Kennedy Medical Center.”

He extended profound thanks and deep appreciation to Dr. Tokuda Torao, the Founder and Chairman of the Board of Administrators of the Tokushukai Medical Corporation for what he termed “his kind philanthropy, without which this project might have taken much longer to realize.”

President Weah cutting ribbon of the center

Meanwhile, Liberia’s Health Minister Dr. Wilhelmina Jallah, in remarks, thanked the Chairman of Tokushukai, Dr. Afuso Hisaaki, World Health Organization, World Bank, USAID, and her able staff at the Ministry for their continuous support to the project as well as the country’s health sector.

She expressed excitement for the project which will able treatment of kidney and other disease complications instead of Liberians travelling abroad for treatment: “I am excited because many Liberians suffering from kidney disease will receive treatment at their own health facility, which is a great achievement and a blessing for all of us, as a nation”.

Dr. Jallah, Liberia’s Health Minister, making remarks

Given her quest for the provision of quality healthcare delivery and to seeing the completion of the project coupled with its furnishing, Dr. Jallah recalled: “To seeing this project completed, I moved from store to store in Ghana to get some equipment that are not seen in Liberia. Fortunately, after all the turnaround, I was able to find them in one of the store.”

Earlier, Dr. Jerry Browne, Chief Executive Officer of the John F. Kennedy Medical Center, underscored the importance for human resource development for the full operationalization and maintenance of the nation’s only dialysis center. A team of international medical practitioners has been providing instinct training to Liberian nurses and doctors are to take charge of the Center in the near future.

Dr. Brown, Chief Executive Officer of the John F. Kennedy Medical Center, making remarks

“Today, we are dedicating this beautiful facility but we should make sure this facility is maintained, nurses and doctors are trained and paid, hence, there should be stable electricity and there should be stand-by generator for this facility, so our people can’t suffer.”

Dr. Clement, WHO Country Representative to Liberia, making remarks

“For the full advancement of health development, it needs holistic approach. The Ministry needs support in advancing the health agenda of the Country, which the World Health Organization (WHO) is committed to”. Dr. Peter Clement, WHO Country Representative to Liberia.

Several speeches were made during the dedication, as partners commit to contributing to the country health sector in order to meet universal health benchmarks.


           Felecia Gbesioh

           Director of Communications, MOH/RL

Italian Embassy Donates Equipment To MOH

(Congo Town, Monrovia, Liberia, February 18, 2022) As part of bilateral relations with the Government of Liberia through the Ministry of Health for the provision of quality healthcare Services delivery in Liberia, the Italian Embassy near Monrovia through its Ambassador-At-Large H. E. Riccardo Milici, has donated one laptop computer and a Samsung iPhone to the Nursing and Midwifery Division of the Ministry of Health. The donation was made in Congo Town on Friday, February 18, 2022.

The donation will enhance equipment of the Ministry’s newly established mini health post aimed at providing healthcare services for employees of the Ministry, according to Diana T. Sarteh, Acting Chief Nursing and Midwifery Officer of the Ministry.

“We have brought these equipment to enhance the working of the mini post being established by the Ministry. We are grateful for being in partnership with the Ministry and Liberia as a whole”, H.E. Riccardo Milici noted.

The Italian Embassy has made significant sacrifices and needed contributions to the health sector of Liberia, with assorted medical supplies donated to the ministry being few.

Receiving the donation on behalf of the government and people of Liberia, Hon. George Paygar Jacobs, Assistant Minister for Policy and Planning at the Ministry of Health recounted the numerous contributions made by the government and people of Italy, describing it as a milestone for the provision of quality service delivery.

“On behalf of the Minister of Health, we want to appreciate you for the delivery of these items. And thanks also for the support and commitment to the health sector over the period,” Minister Jacobs remarked.

 Signed: ________________________________

           Felecia Gbesioh

           Director of Communication, MOH   

Scaling Up Care For Mental Health: MOH, Partners Conclude Regional Mental Health Workshop

(February 17, 2022, Monrovia, Liberia)—the Ministry of Health in collaboration with local and international partners has concluded a three-day long mental health workshop aimed at developing a theory of change that would provide a strategic directions to mental health and psychosocial integration into selected countries’ national emergency preparedness and response plans on the African continent.

The workshop, which started from February 15 to 17, 2022, was held in Monrovia under the theme “Strengthening Mental Health And Psychosocial Support Integration Into Emergency Preparedness And Response.”

Dr. Wilhelmina Jallah who officially kicked off the opening told participants that Mental, neurological and substance use disorders are highly prevalent and burdensome on the African continent as a result of large numbers of emergencies, including conflicts and outbreaks; such as Ebola, COVID-19 and other disasters, saying “All such emergencies have a huge impact on the mental health, causing widespread of distress and impact negatively on national development”.

The Liberian Health Minister was concerned about the permeating and unfortunate mental health emergency that causes suffering and migration which continues to impose threat on the African continent.

She said, those unfortunate situations are increasingly rare in the region of West Africa; of which Liberia is inclusive in experiencing emergency, and “we have seen the negative impact of war and other traumatic experiences on our people’s mental health. The COVID-19 pandemic, Ebola epidemic and many other outbreaks, including fewer and diseases mainly increase the mental health need of the people in Liberia.”

In supra, the MOH recognizes the need for action to reduce the burden, and to enhance the capacity of healthcare service providers to respond to this growing challenge. The National Mental Health Program is aimed at scaling up services for mental, neurological and substance use disorders across the country.

“As a recognition of the importance of mental health, the MOH and partners have been working hard, to experience access to and improve the deliverables of mental health services.

“Hundreds of healthcare workers across the country were trained and equipped with skills to provide mental healthcare.” She remarked earlier.

However, the development of comprehensive description and illustration of how MHPS integration will translate into positive health outcomes in short, medium and long range to contribute to the overall goal of strengthening mental health system in Africa, especially in emergency response was highlighted and discussed among participants.

Shared lessons from COVID-19 and other emergency responses; and familiarizing the participants with MHPS minimum services package for effective emergency response were part of the three days learning sessions.  

Hon. Angie Tarr Nyankoon, Director of National Mental Health Program at the Ministry of Health shared with participants some gains Liberia has made in drafting mental health legislation that are expected to be in circulation for public consumption.

“The Liberian government has passed a mental health law that is printed into handbill and is ready for dissemination to educate the public on mental health issues and ways forward”, she noted.

Meanwhile, Dr. Mohammed Abdullah, Africa’s CDC Health of Division for Disease Control and Prevention, called for sustainability of such educative international engagement to ensure an integrated mental health emergency preparedness response on the African Continent.

“What’s next for us? How do we link it to a sustainable in order to ensure that we integrate it into an emergency preparedness response. What do we do concrete to move this forward in our countries.  The consortium is here to support, Africa CDC is here to support and this one areas where Africa CDC does very well to integrate what you are doing into a sustainable system within the country,” He averred.

Climaxing the workshop, Montserrado County Health Team’s head, Dr. Yatta Wapoe, speaking on behalf of government and the Ministry of Health, used the occasion to thank the organizers for selecting Liberia as host.

“We are happy to have this opportunity to collaborate with a coalition of mental health experts from the African Center for Disease Control (CDC), the World Health Organization (WHO), the West Africa Health Organization (WAHO), the Eastern African Health Community and the UK Health Rapid Response. We are also glad to be joined by representatives from Nigeria, Sierra Leone, Cameroon as well as the very hardworking mental health and psychosocial health support representative in Liberia and other countries. This workshop is an important step towards making mental health a priority and the essential part of the emergency response and the overall strengthening of mental health system in Africa.

The National Mental Health and Psychosocial pillar as part of the IMS has worked tirelessly in responding to various outbreaks. Moving forward, the government through the Ministry of Health commits the full support and integrate mental health and psychosocial support into the emergency preparedness and response.   

Successful scaling up is the joint responsibility of governments, health professionals, civil society, communities, and families, with support from the international community.

Signed: ________________________________

           Felecia Gbesioh

           Director of Communication, MOH   

Liberia, America Sign US$55m Health Partnership Agreement

(February 14, 2022, Monrovia, Liberia)—the government of Liberia and the government of the United States of America have signed a government-to-government partnership agreement to improve the Liberian health sector over the next five years.

Foreign Minister Dee-Maxwell Kemayah signed on behalf of Liberia, while Ms. Dana Banks, Special Assistant to US President Joe Biden and Senior Director for Africa at the National Security Council, signed on behalf of America.

Speaking at the signing ceremony Monday, February 14, 2022, Liberian Health Minister Dr. Wilhelmina Jallah acknowledged and expressed gratitude to the government and people of the United States for their continuous support to the health sector as well as the Ministry of Health and Liberia as a whole.

“We recount your support to the Ministry of Health through the government-to-government agreement”, she noted. “This is one of the first countries to have a government-to-government agreement called FARA, which supports public health interventions in eight (8) counties (Bong, Grand Cape Mount, Grand Bassa, Nimba, River Gee, Margibi, Lofa and Grand Gedeh counties) in line with the national health agenda and overall USAID support to the government and people of Liberia”.

After more than ten (10) years of this partnership, the government-to-government partnership agreement has worked in line with its tenant.

The government of Liberia through the Ministry of Health has been able to demonstrate improvement in the health outcomes of the nation. There have been several measures instituted including a robust financial management system that shows accountability and improvement in key indicators of the national and international consents.

“Honorable Banks, as our joint review has always demonstrated accountability and value for money, we hereby commit to both governments our outmost technical and fiduciary management for resources entrusted into our care”, Dr. Jallah committed.

This US$55 million, which represent third government-to-government cycle—a support to the health sector—will go a long way to improve health service outcomes and strengthen system at national levels in the framework of the national decentralization agenda on health.

According to Dr. Jallah this third cycles is as a result of positive health outcomes achieved from the first and second circles.

Meanwhile, the US head of delegation to the Bicentennial celebration of Liberia, Honorable Dana Banks said the agreement signed demonstrates the Biden-Harris Administration’s commitment to strengthening health, combating malaria; advancing sexual and reproductive health and rights; maternal, neonatal, and child health; and accelerating efforts towards universal health coverage.

The Fixed Amount Reimbursement Agreement (FARA) activity with the Ministry in eight counties including Bong, Grand Cape Mount, Grand Bassa, Nimba, River Gee, Lofa Margibi and Grand Gedeh counties, provides support to the MOH in the implementation of its 10 year National Health Policy and Plan. Under this agreement, USAID reimburses the Government of Liberia (GOL) for the cost of implementing the Essential Package of Health Services in three counties covering a population of roughly over 1.4 million Liberians.

The implementation of the agreement will focus on key areas that will stimulate Government of Liberia health systems and improve maternal, newborn and child health, family planning and reproductive health, and malaria; service delivery; and improve the quality of health services at the point of health care

Signed: ____________________________

             Felecia Gbesioh

             Director of Communication, MOH 

Montserrado County Health Team Receives Assorted Medical supplies from JICA

(February 2, 2022, Paynesville, Liberia)—the Ministry of Health (MOH), through the Montserrado County Health Team, on February 2, 2022, received a donation of assorted medical supplies from the Japan International Cooperation Agency (JICA). The donated supplies, consisting of buckets for handwashing stations, liquid soap, hand sanitizers, liquid bleach and posters for promotion.

The US$5,500.00 donation was made at the head office of the Montserrado County Health Team in the City of Paynesville.

Those Infection Prevention and Control (IPC) materials will be mainly used at health facilities in Montserrado County to strengthen COVID-19 response and routine health services, according to Nakata Yoshimi, JICA’s Deputy Head of Office in Liberia.

Receiving the items on behalf of the Ministry of Health was Dr. Yatta Sackie-Wapoe, County Health Officer (CHO) of Montserrado County Health Team, who lavished praises on JICA for continuously contributing to the Country’s health sector, Montserrado county in particular.

 “On behalf of the Montserrado County Team, yea Liberia, we like to appreciate JICA for all what you have done for the people of Montserrado and Liberia. Your support cannot be overemphasized. This has significantly helped us, especially to improve IPC situation in our different facilities,” Dr. Wapoe remarked.

The Montserrado County Health Team’s head used the occasion to assure their commitment to use the donated items for its intended purpose.

However, the donation is part of the technical cooperation project between the Ministry of Health and JICA. The Technical Cooperation “Project for Management Capacity Development for Improvement of Health Services in Montserrado County’’ aimed to strengthen management capacity of the Montserrado County Health Team, so that health service delivery, especially Maternal and Child Health care, is improved.

Accordingly, it is a three-year project, being implemented until September 2024. Under the project agreement, JICA is expected to closely work with the Montserrado county Health Team to enhance its staff management capacity through the following activities:  to conduct managerial training for MCHT staff on planning, monitoring & evaluation, provision of technical support in developing an annual operational plan, and  conducting performance review and report;; to enhance capacity of project management and to support the development and implementation of mini projects through a step-by- procedures; to strengthen health facility management; and to conduct learning and sharing activities on learning experiences and good practices.

Since 2012, JICA has been supporting MCHT and working together to improve basic functions of the county health team. It started this new technical cooperation in 2019, to address the need of improving maternal and child health services at local public hospitals, health centers and clinics.

Signed: ____________________________

             Felecia Gbesioh

             Director of Communication, MOH/RL

WHO Delivers Assorted Medical Supplies to MOH

(Congo Town, Monrovia, Liberia, December 10, 2021) As part of partnership with the Government of Liberia and the Ministry of Health for the provision of quality healthcare Services delivery in Liberia, the World Health Organization (WHO) has made delivery of assorted medical supplies to the Ministry of Health (MoH) in Congo Town

The mix medical supplies included 5pks (150 test kits) of Syphills kits, 4pks of Sypills Screen Confirm and Assay, 3pks of contact activated lancet, 10,285 cans (2,077,000 tablets), 14 kits of Cholera Investigation complete kit, 1 kit of Cholera laboratory kit, 200 pcs of Absolute alcohol (ethanol), 2,124 pcs of chloride and 1 pc of chlorine.

Other items donated are: 15,000 kits of COVID-19 AG Test kit 20 boxes X 30 pks X 25 kits, 6 pcs of Gene Xpress 6 color module, 120pks of Xpert Xpress SARS-COV2   4boxes X 30pks, 11kits of Nuclic Extraction kit, 10pks of Disposable Virus sampling kit (100 set), 55pcs of DNA Detection kit, 4kits QlAamp virus RNA Mini kits (250), 64pcs of Oxygen regulator, 1pc of Lenovo thinkpad laptop, among other things.

Since the outbreak of the Coronavirus pandemic last year, WHO has made earlier donation of PPEs and other essential medical supplies to the Ministry in order to further heighten fight against the deadly coronavirus pandemic and other diseases.

Receiving the donation on behalf of the government and people of Liberia, Health Minister Dr. Wilhelmina Jallah acknowledged the numerous contributions made by WHO, describing it as a milestone in the Country’s health sector.

“We appreciated the last gift you sent to us and it was to continue the fight against COVID-19. We are happy that you are able to provide all of these other materials to us. Everything that have been received here today will be used for its intended purpose—to protect the healthcare workers and to fight this virus,” she said during the donation.

Presenting the donation was WHO Country Representative to Liberia, Dr. Peter Clement: “this is actually meant to increase drugs and other medical supplies at various health facilities across the country.”

He used the occasion to reassured WHO’s commitment to the Liberian government for the provision of quality healthcare to all.

Signed: ________________________________

           Felecia Gbesioh

           Director of Communication, MOH   

AHS Donates Medical Supplies to MOH

(December 3, 2021, Congo Town, Monrovia, Liberia)—a Ghanaian Company, Africa Health Supplies Limited (AHS), has made a donation of medical supplies to the Ministry of Health to buttress national government’s effort in the areas of neonatal care service delivery.

The donation was made at the Ministry of Health in Congo Town on Friday, December 3, 2021.

AHS is the representative of Medical Technology Transfer Services (MTTS), in Ghana and the African sub-region head quartered in Hanoi, Vietnam.

The equipment donated are: Firefly phototherapy equipment, a lightmeter, and colibri phototherapy equipment. Firefly Phototherapy is a double-sided phototherapy device designed to treat neonatal jaundice, while Colibri phototherapy is a LED Phototherapy device for effective treatment of neonatal jaundice.

However, receiving the items on behalf of the Government of Liberia, Dr. Wilhemina Jallah acknowledged that the Ministry has envisioned to setup Neonatal Centers in all public health facilities across the country, but due to some financial constrain, the vision is yet to be realized.

“One of the things the Ministry and its partners have tried to do is to set up neonatal centers in all of our health facilities across the nation. We have an idea of what is needed and I think this collaboration can take us closer toward reducing neonatal mortality in the country.” Dr. Jallah remarked.

“We have to make the investment in this collaboration because we also need the proper equipment to make sure that it works; thereby an ongoing training after which participants would be requested to those neonatal centers in the various facilities because they cannot work without the opening of these centers.”

She, at the same time, lauded the Company for remembering Liberia amidst a global health crisis.

Earlier, while hand delivering the items over to the Ministry, the Chief Executive Officer of African Health Supplies, Mr. Albert Ankrah, underscored the importance for the prioritization of equipment if the health system is to function properly. Mr. George Fabio Collins, Country Manager for AHS indicated the company’s desire to also set up a medical assembling facility, akin to that of AHS in Ghana to support government effort at combating neonatal jaundice in Liberia.

“The Health System needs to function properly which is something that we must prioritize and we are doing”, Mr. Ankrah expressed.

In closing, he vowed to strengthen partnership and heighten cooperation with commitment to continuously contribute the country health sector for the provision of quality healthcare service delivery for all.

During the donation, the Minister was accompanied by Madam Christine Brooks-Jarrett, Policy Adviser to the Minister and other staff of the Ministry.


Felecia Gbesioh

Director of Communications, MOH/RL

NCDI Trains Health Workers In Cervical and Breast Cancer Screening

(November 30, 2021, Monrovia, Liberia)—the Ministry of Health (MOH) through its Non-Communicable Diseases and Injuries (NCDIs) Division has begun a five-day intensive capacity training for doctors, nurses and midwives in Cervical and breast Cancer screening and management in Monrovia, under the Theme: “Early Detection and Prompt Management of Cervical and Breast Cancers Save Lives”.

The training, which started on Friday, November 26, 2021, is being funded and supported by the World Health Organization (WHO), and aimed at eliminating cervical cancer world, with Liberia being of no exception.

Cervical Cancer is a cancer that’s fund anywhere in the cervix. The cervix is the opening between the vagina and womb (uterus). It’s part of the reproductive system and is sometimes called the ‘Neck of the Womb’. Studies show that nearly all cervical cancers are caused by an infection from certain types of human papillomavirus (HPV).

However, predominantly, the trainees were selected from two of the fifteen political divisions of the country, where the ministry has envisioned to setup screening and treatment centers before moving to other regions or parts of the country.

“The national Cancer policy has series of activities… Now, we are beginning firstly with Montserrado and Bong counties. In the next years ahead, we are contemplating on increasing the numbers of counties, so our people can get the needed and deserved health services”, Mrs Florence Yahnquee-Kiatamba, National Cancer Palliative Care Coordinator at the Ministry of Health, making remarks at the opening of the training.

Meanwhile, in an effort to prepare participants of the training, Mrs Kiatamba praised World Health Organization for hiring a health consultant, who developed a comprehensive Cervical Cancer module for them (Doctors, Nurses, and Midwives), which will serve as a guide to their works.

“You know sometimes in 2020, there was launch of a strategy to eliminate Cervical cancer by the World Health Organization. Other countries have started working in progress to see how best they can follow the WHO’s guide in eliminating Cervical Cancer; and since then Liberia dis sign to that commitment, but we have not been fortunate due to some financial constrain to start our own process in our country. So, the ministry has been working with WHO, seeking funding to establish a screening center in Liberia. And, this one of the criteria before you can do the screening center: to develop a module for the Country”, She explained.

Hence, upon completion of the capacity building, Cervical and breast cancer problems encountering female during pregnancy and child birth are expected to be eliminated.

“This will help our people who face these cancer problem, because we will have trained health workers who help will patients in treating the sickness”, Dr. Sopousassi V. Nicholas King, Developer of the National Cervical Cancer Module. “The module help deepened workers’ knowledge Cervical Cancer and at the same time provide clearer analyses on the drawbacks, challenges, and causes of the sickness.

For his part, Dr. Anthony Tucker, Program Director, NCDs Division at the Ministry of Health believed there are proven health interventions that can address NCDIs: “The interventions selections are based on potential health impact, cost-effectiveness, financial risk protection, and priority for the “worst-off”; We can prevent early deaths from NCDIs with the implementation of proposed interventions,”. 

“I am actually proud of this interventions that will see some of the health facilities in those two selected counties to screen patients suffering from Cervical and breast cancer”, Dr. Tucker.

He at the same time, on behalf Dr. Wilhelmina Jallah, lauded WHO as well as participants for making the training a success and called for collaborative front to

Signed: _________________________

            Felecia Gbesioh             Director of Communications, MOH

Immediate Advisory

(December 3, 2021, Monrovia, Liberia)-The attention of the Ministry has been drawn to the fraudulent act of some group of unscrupulous individuals masquerading the public space as Human Resource Director of the Ministry in disguise of providing vacancies by extorting money from their victims.        

All Vacancies information provided by means of telephone relative to the TB Annex and central MOH for the sole purpose of stealing money by these dubious and unidentified individuals, are false, misleading, and do not exist.

The Ministry will consistently ensure to publish all vacancies signed by the Human Resource Director, and approved by the Deputy Minister for Administration in the local dailies and on the Ministry’s website.

Meanwhile, the Ministry frowns on this diabolical act and strongly warns all those involved to desist because any perpetrator apprehended, will be dealt with according to the laws of the State.

The Ministry further clarifies that at no time it has announced any vacancy in recent time for TB Annex or central office.

However, the Ministry wants to caution the public not to do any business with these individuals as they do not represent the Ministry.

Anyone doing business with these unidentified individuals without further inquiries from the MOH Communication Office is doing it on their own risk. 

Signed: ________________________________

           Felecia Gbesioh

           Director of Communications, MOH, R.L.