(December 3, 2021, Monrovia, Liberia)-The attention of the Ministry has been drawn to the fraudulent act of some group of unscrupulous individuals masquerading the public space as Human Resource Director of the Ministry in disguise of providing vacancies by extorting money from their victims.
All Vacancies information provided by means of telephone relative to the TB Annex and central MOH for the sole purpose of stealing money by these dubious and unidentified individuals, are false, misleading, and do not exist.
The Ministry will consistently ensure to publish all vacancies signed by the Human Resource Director, and approved by the Deputy Minister for Administration in the local dailies and on the Ministry’s website.
Meanwhile, the Ministry frowns on this diabolical act and strongly warns all those involved to desist because any perpetrator apprehended, will be dealt with according to the laws of the State.
The Ministry further clarifies that at no time it has announced any vacancy in recent time for TB Annex or central office.
However, the Ministry wants to caution the public not to do any business with these individuals as they do not represent the Ministry.
Anyone doing business with these unidentified individuals without further inquiries from the MOH Communication Office is doing it on their own risk.
Signed: ________________________________
Felecia Gbesioh
Director of Communications, MOH, R.L.