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MoH- Expertise France Group – Action Against Hunger, launched Better Health Outcomes for Liberia (BEHOL)

(Monrovia, Liberia, February 5, 2024) The Ministry of Health, in collaboration with Expertise France Group and Action Against Hunger, launched the Better Health Outcomes for Liberia (BEHOL) and Harnessing Effective Approaches in Leadership, Coordination, and Training (HEALTH) projects held at the ministry. The projects aim to strengthen the health system and improve the health status of Liberia’s population on an equitable basis. The French Ambassador Isabelle Le Guellec presented the signed copies of both projects to Mr. George Jacob Assistant Minister for Planning and Policy who officially launched the project.

The BEHOL project aims to improve the health status of Liberian women, men, girls, and boys. This project will enhance the ministry leadership, ownership, and oversight at national, county, and district levels and improve the quality of reproductive, maternal, child, and adolescent health, family planning, nutrition, and mental health as well as psychosocial support services, provided by skill healthcare workers. BEHOL project will be implemented in three counties Margibi, Montserrado, and Nimba and activities will be carried out at 25 targeted public health facilities. The BEHOL aims to strengthen MOH coordination and oversight role at the national level, leadership, management, and governance (LMG) skills at sub-national levels, and improve the quality of training offered in midwife schools in the same three counties. Madam Clementine French Development Agency (AFD) county director stated “It’s with great pleasure, that I stand before you today to officially launch the BEHOL program and to continue fasting progress in the health sector. As many of you may know, AFDs will reinforce, is a public development institution, composed of AFD, the development bank, and the branch following the private sector. And expenses force, which is in the technical preparation mechanism. So it is with great excitement that I announced the launch of the BEHOL program today building on the success of the BEHOL program, which focused on fighting against the COVID-19 pandemic in partnership with Action Against Hunger. The BEHOL program is to strengthen Liberia’s health system and improve access to quality health care for the most vulnerable populations. With that in mind, more than 3,500 people will be beneficiaries of this program”. Speaking on behalf of the ministry Assistant Minister George Jacob expressed his gratitude for the project “ I am excited this afternoon to hear on behalf of the Minister of Health Doctor Louise M Kpoto. I want to take this time to say thank you to the France Development Agency and Action Against Hunger for the successful launch of this project. The minister is very excited about the launch of this project as well as the county health officer. This project is yours and we expect that you do the effective monitoring of these projects’ implementation.

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