(Congo Town, Monrovia, Liberia, February 18, 2022) As part of bilateral relations with the Government of Liberia through the Ministry of Health for the provision of quality healthcare Services delivery in Liberia, the Italian Embassy near Monrovia through its Ambassador-At-Large H. E. Riccardo Milici, has donated one laptop computer and a Samsung iPhone to the Nursing and Midwifery Division of the Ministry of Health. The donation was made in Congo Town on Friday, February 18, 2022.
The donation will enhance equipment of the Ministry’s newly established mini health post aimed at providing healthcare services for employees of the Ministry, according to Diana T. Sarteh, Acting Chief Nursing and Midwifery Officer of the Ministry.
“We have brought these equipment to enhance the working of the mini post being established by the Ministry. We are grateful for being in partnership with the Ministry and Liberia as a whole”, H.E. Riccardo Milici noted.
The Italian Embassy has made significant sacrifices and needed contributions to the health sector of Liberia, with assorted medical supplies donated to the ministry being few.
Receiving the donation on behalf of the government and people of Liberia, Hon. George Paygar Jacobs, Assistant Minister for Policy and Planning at the Ministry of Health recounted the numerous contributions made by the government and people of Italy, describing it as a milestone for the provision of quality service delivery.
“On behalf of the Minister of Health, we want to appreciate you for the delivery of these items. And thanks also for the support and commitment to the health sector over the period,” Minister Jacobs remarked.
Signed: ________________________________
Felecia Gbesioh
Director of Communication, MOH