(August 19, 2021, Congo Town, Monrovia, Liberia)—the capacity of human resource building is among few things Liberia’s Health Minister Dr. Wilhelmina Jallah has prioritized since her takeover at the helm of power at the country’s health sector, especially the Ministry of Health.
Leaving this not unnoticed, several Counties Health Biomedical technicians has been certificated after participating in an eight-week-long biomedical training course.
The biomedical technicians certificated on August 19, 2021, were trained to enhance biomedical activities at various county’s levels across the country.
Some major topics were covered during the BMET training course are: first aid, electrical safety on medical equipment, use of test equipment defibrillator, syringe pump, maintenance and repair of medical equipment, IPC (hygiene), safety in the hospital, oxygen to patients, handling of oxygen cylinders, electronic (circle analysis, troubleshooting, etc.), how to contact equipment manufactural for service manuals, spare parts, software, etc.
However, Liberian Health Minister, Dr. Wilhelmina Jallah, during the certification ceremony, reaffirmed her leadership’s commitment and dedication to ensuring that the Ministry’s Biomedical Department and all other departments are compared to none in the sub-region, with every county team in the country having well equipped biomedical technicians.

“Preparing technicians at all levels of the Country’s health sector, especially at various public health facilities, is something that we are committed to doing before leaving the Ministry’s—remember no will forever remain here as Minister”, she said with excitement.
Dr. Jallah used the occasion to appreciate Mercy and partners as well as participants for making the training a success.
For her part, the Deputy Minister for Administration, Hon. Norwu Howard stressed the importance for beneficiaries of the training exercise to serve as ambassadors in their respective counties: “today, you have been trained and we encourage to be light in your respective counties for the good of our people”

The Deputy Ministry voiced out that as an administer of the Ministry dream has to see tangibles or productivities at various departments, even at the county levels.
“We are agents of the President, H.E. Dr. George Manneh Weah, and the government. Our technicians here today, it is our responsibility to do best to seeing this achieve its agenda”, Hon. Howard Remarks.

Earlier, Annick Sylvestre, Mercy Ships Operations Coordinator lauded Ministry of Health and partners for affording them the opportunity to country’s health sector and promised to always contribute to the sector when the space is provided.
Giving an overview of the project, Wymah S. Youyoubon, Director of Healthcare Technology Management Unit at the Ministry of Health said: “When Madam Minister and her team took over years ago, I briefed her about the importance of the Unit and the way forward. And she gave me the blessings. Today, we have technicians who are going to increase the levels of productivity at various county levels across the country”.
Speaking on behalf of the beneficiaries, Comfort Zowulu expressed thanks and appreciation to the Ministry and its partners, particularly the Director of the HTMU, for providing them the space to acquire such insightful knowledge.
“On behalf of my colleagues, I want to say plenty thanks to the Ministry of Health, Mercy Ships, our teachers and even the Director of the Biomedical Unit for providing us this opportunity. We will use this tool and knowledge acquired to contribute and improve the health sector,” Madam Zowulu noted.
Signed: _____________________________________
Felecia Gbesioh
Director of Communications, MOH, R.L