(November 13, 2021, Buchanan, Grand Bassa)—County Health Offices as well as officials of the Ministry of Health, partners and stakeholders have concluded a three-long-day “County Level COVID-19 After Action Review Meetings”. The meeting focused on specific areas of needed action plans and scenario mechanism measures for future improvement and way forward for the provision of quality health services delivery. This enabled participants, who were predominantly health, to share hybrid experiences on COVID-19 response, patients’ management during emergency; burial of COVID-19 victim, amongst other things.
Several Participants in separated remarks asserted that the COVID-19 vaccination drive was very instrumental as they engaged the public through taken door-to-door and asked local leaders having low inoculation to adopt innovative ways to boost the campaign. They made remarks at a meeting, held in Buchanan, Grand Bassa County.
Sharing further, they said special emphasis was placed on taking message of religious leaders spreading awareness and encouraging the vaccination drive to the people.
At the closed of the meeting, Mr. Abraham Nyenswah, Pillar Lead for Coordination of the Incident Management System, at the Ministry of Health lauded participants for sharing their thoughts on experiences gained since the outbreak of the deadly coronavirus pandemic early last year.
(November 24, 2021, Gbediah Town, River Cess, Liberia)—the Minister of Health Dr. Wilhelmina Jallah on Wednesday, November 24, 2021, unveiled a state-of-the-Art modern referral hospital in Gbediah Town, River Cess Country.
The modernized hospital dedicated to the public is the only referral hospital in River Cess since its establishment and will increase access to quality healthcare, as guaranteed under the Universal Health Coverage. It was funded by the German Development Bank through the Ministry of Finance and Development Planning (MFDP).
The initiative followed after fabrics of the country’s entire health sector was hit by Ebola in 2016. This crisis then exposed the limitation of the health system. Therefore, Welt Hunger Hife and the Ministry of Health designed the Ebola support program in Grand Gedeh, River Gee, and Sinoe counties. These multifaceted projects resulted in Welt Hunger Hife constructing over nine health facilities, including the River Cess District Referral hospital, for the government to structure and decentralized infrastructural health that would solidify and strengthen the provision of the quality health service delivery across the nation.
Actualization of this vision has brought in the construction of this modern Referral Hospital that contains a modern theater or operation room, an accidental emergency Unit, Surgical and medical walls, modern laboratories, offices for Doctors and nurses, waste management facilities, administrative buildings, and six houses to accommodate hospital staff.
In addition, the hospital has running water system and 24 hours’ electricity that is powered by 70 kilo wax and 64 KVA solar generator.
The modernized River Cess District Referral Hospital is compared to other major health facilities like the JFK hospital, the Phebe referral hospital, among others. It will provide quality health services and alleviate difficulties faced by people in the county and its surroundings in access health services.
It was a colorful occasion, as Liberia’s Health Minister, Dr. Wilhelmina Jallah was joined by scores of government officials, local and traditional leaders as well as developmental partners to grace the occasion in that part of the country.
“We are all proud owners of this newly constructed hospital”, Dr. Jallah remarks during the occasion marking the official handing over of the hospital’s keys to its administrators. “I am delighted to be with you today to officially accept this hospital from Welt Hunger Hife on behalf of our President Dr. George Manneh Weah”.
With this 80 bedrooms being amongst several projects funded by the people and Government Germany, Dr. Jallah smartly acknowledged their roles in supporting Liberia’s health sector, which have led to its hybrid improvements and sturdy strengthening.
“Liberia’s Health Sector is, indeed, grateful to the German government, KfW and WHH for its continuous support. We have benefited in many ways from this partnership: we have health centers and clinics that have been completed,” Dr. Jallah.
Seeing it as a great feat annexed to improve the health condition of the South-east region, the Liberian energetic health Minister expressed conviction that the facility will radically improve the provision of quality of health service and infrastructure for patients and staff; not only in River Cess, but its neighboring counties, including Sinoe, Grand Gedeh and Grand Bassa Counties. “This will benefit us in immediate future”, Dr. Jallah.
Assuring the German government and Welt Hunger Hife’s genuine support and commitment towards the actualization and implementation of the Coalition for Democratic Change (CDC)-led government Pro-Poor Agenda for Prosperity and Development was the Country Director of Welt Hunger Hife-Liberia, Mr. Hubert Charles. He expressed gratitude to the Liberian government for exercising leadership and taking decisive action to support the implementation of the project that contributes significantly to the PAPD; not only by expanding access to essential health services but also to strengthen the Country’s health delivery system.
“Hon. Ministers, distinguished ladies and gentlemen, River Cess District Referral Hospital comprise amongst others the following: a modern operating theatre, an accidental emergency Unit, Surgical and medical walls, modern laboratories, offices for Doctors and nurses, etc,” Mr Charles explained.
The occasion was marked with signing of certificates. Deputy Health Minister for Administration, Norwu Howard, signed on behalf of the Liberia’s government while Hubert Charles signed on behalf of Welt Hunger Hife.
“I envision a hospital where people of around the world will travel to study tropical diseases and do research on communicable and non-communicable diseases; where our students, doctors and nurses will come and learn the act of caring for the sick. As I walk around the land, I imagine a sustaining facility where we can grow our own food and feel our patients. My signature on these documents signifies our commitment to ensure we implement and adhere to standard capable for the full operation of this facility”, Minister Howard expressed after affixing her signature on the hospital’s document.
(Tuesday, November 9, 2021, Congo Town, Liberia)—the Ministry of Health and partners on Tuesday, November 9, 2021, rollout a two-year Private Sector Engagement Strategy, which is designed to structure engagement between the Ministry of Health and the private health sector. It seeks to strengthen the private sector’s contribution to achieve the nation’s health goals.
Even though engagement between the Ministry of Health and the private health sector has a long history, this strategy aims to structure collaboration and dialogue between the two parties to achieve common long-term objectives. It was drafted through series of consultations with stakeholders from across the Ministry of Health and within the private health sector. It also includes areas of collaboration identified as those of mutual interest to both sectors.
Serving as chief launcher of the strategy, Liberia’s Health Minister, Dr. Wilhelmina Jallah outlined significant progress being made by the ministry under her watch relative to annexing smooth collaboration and coordination between both sectors.
“It is important we have this collaboration because the private sector is a major contributor to what’s happening in the government sector. If you don’t have a well-organized private sector, thing will be going but it’s will be going …”, Dr. Jallah asserted.
The private health sector has grown form 2 percent to 8 percent of total health expenditure over the 2015-2018 period. This shows that private health facilities in Liberia represent 37 percent of the national healthcare market and this representation increases to 80 percent in urban areas. The level of penetration of the private sector varies greatly by county, with most of the private health sector situated in Montserrado county. Any effective and sustained effort to leverage the private sector resents an opportunity for enhance access to quality services, particularly in urban areas where most of the private sector operates.
However, espousing on access to and choice of health services in which the Ministry should play a leadership role, the keynote of speaker of the day, Dr. Jabbeh, called the Ministry to create an enabling environment for private sector engagement.
“Recent the Ministry of met with the Health federation of Liberia. And so during that consultative process the Ministry of Health was able to set some key priority areas that would also align with the Ministry of Health’s vision, mission, the guidance principles and strategic goals and objectives.
“What is the role of each sector? For the Ministry of Health primary role is to provide oversight and execute this strategy, working in collaboration with HFL designated representatives,” remarks Dr. Jabbeh.
Giving importance of the launch was Minister George Jacobs: “we want to train health workers in the private sector so they can be on path with their colleagues in the public sector. So these things we are working on to see how to strengthen the private sector to achieve quality in the attainment of universal health coverage.
“Now that we have launched the private sector engagement strategy, moving forward it will provide us an opportunity for the private sector to help us in the health sector, so that we expand our scope of operations. We need the private sector if we should have a wider scope for family planning, among several other activities that are out there. They have a role to play—in the same that we need them they also need us,” Dr. Logan in closing remarks.
The keynotes speaker underscored the need for both parties to work together in the common interest of the Liberian, through the provision of quality healthcare services that would meet universal health benchmark.
(Tuesday, November 9, 2021, Congo Town, Liberia)—the Ministry of Health (MOH) in collaboration with partners has officially launched a five-year National Malaria Social Behavior Change (SBC) Strategy, beginning 2021 to 2025.
The Liberia National Malaria Strategic plan (NSP) 2021-2025 redefines the strategic direction and focus of the Malaria program, including strengthening of management and coordination structure, health system, and capacities to achieve greater equality, coverage, quality, and more effective delivery of the interventions. In addition, the malaria NSP includes plan for preparedness and timely response during emergencies to ensure malaria control activities continue with minimal disruptions in an emergency (e.g., Ebola Virus Disease or coronavirus).
The launch which took place at the Ministry on Tuesday, November 9, 2021, gathering stakeholders from hybrid sectors, with both local and international organizations, including Global Fund, PCU, WHO, UNICEF, USAID/Breakthrough Action, amongst others, being in huge attendance.
As the first National Malaria Social Behavior Change Strategy for Liberia, this document is intended to guide all social and behavior change efforts supporting the objectives outlined in the NSP.
Calling on the public in general to change their behavior on the way they treat their surroundings was Deputy Health Minister for Administration, Hon. Norwu Howard: “We must change our behaviors on how we treat the places we live.”
The environmental factors such as the presence of bushes and stagnant water around homes were among few things the Deputy Minister spoke on; thereby encouraging the public to always clear their surroundings and use mosquitos net.
Though, there are several factors leading to the breeding of malaria across the nation, but with the coming in force of this Document, there will be room for improvement, according Oliver Pratt, Program Manager, National Malaria Control Program.
“Each of the stated SBC priority areas involves a range of actors within the Government of Liberia and external partners. SBC efforts can only realize their full potential for improving results with improved coordination at the national and sub-national levels. A shared agenda for SBC and clarity on the roles and responsibilities are critical to effectively implementing this strategy and fully achieving the objectives.
“while the NMCP is responsible for providing leadership, coordination, and strategic direction for operationalization of the strategy, effective collaboration with other multi-sectoral stakeholders at all levels will ensure strategy implementation and scale-up results in high-quality malaria prevention, care, and treatment efforts across Liberia. Through regular coordination meetings, message harmonization efforts, information sharing, joint monitoring, and other coordination efforts, the SBC efforts outlined in this strategy will reach the outlined objectives. Therefore, this strategy aligns with the coordination plan outlined and discussed in the National Malaria Strategic Plan 2021-2025. In addition, it is expected that all stakeholders, implementing partners, and donors will actively participate in providing technical and funding support as appropriate and support the implementation of the SBC interventions to support congruent thematic areas as outlined in the National Malaria Strategy Plan 202-2025, the National Communication Strategy (2016-2021), the National Health Promotion Policy and Plan,” Mr Pratt giving overview of the New National Malaria SBC Strategy (2021-2025).
However, in remarks was also Breakthrough Action’s Chief of Party Dr Saratu Olabode-Ojo, who explained the positive impacts being made by the US organization in twelve of Liberia’s fifteen Counties, particularly in the health sector.
“Breakthrough Action is the United States Agency for International Development (USAID) flagship social and behavior change (SBC) project by Johns Hopkins Center for Communication Programs. The project will be implemented in Liberia from April 2020 to March 2022.
“Breakthrough Action works collaboratively in Liberia with the Ministry of Health at the national and subnational levels and in complementarity to relevant USAID implementing partners. The project is designed to: improve the effectiveness of SBC, implement high-quality SBC activities that will result in improved demand and use of health services for malaria; maternal, neonatal, and child health (MNCH); nutrition; family planning/ reproductive health (FP/RH); adolescent health (AH); and water, sanitation, and hygiene (WASH); and support informed communities engaging in behaviors to prevent zoonotic and non-zoonotic infections in line with the global health security Agenda (GHSA)”, Dr. Olabode-Ojo.
Finally, in separate remarks, speakers representing diverse organizations pledged their commitment in supporting the new document launched for the provision and delivery of quality healthcare to the public.
(October 28, 2021, Congo Town, Monrovia, Liberia)— The United Bassa Organization in the Americas (UNIBOA) on Thursday, October 28, 2021 made a donation of injectables and medicines to the Ministry of Health to enhance national government’s efforts during these times of global pandemic.
Receiving the donation on behalf of the Ministry, Hon. Norwu G. Howard, Deputy Minister for Administration at the Ministry of Health called on well-meaning Liberians both home and abroad as well as organizations to muster the courage in contributing to the Country for the provision of quality healthcare service delivery.
“I want to say to Liberians out there: no matter what happens Liberia is our home; no matter how long you live in America, Liberia is our home…so I want to thank those Liberians who put their hard earn resources together to solicit assistance for Liberia”, Deputy Minister Howard remarked.
The Minister at the same time pledged the Ministry’s willingness to partnering with organizations so that “we can reach the last Liberian”.
“We stand ready to partner with you all in order to reach to the last mile because there are people who are in dare situations and are in need of our assistance “, she emphasized.
However, presenting the items on behalf of the organization’s President, Abraham Williams was the former President of the organization D. Zeogar Wilson who named excitement and patriotism as tools they have sued to give back and make impact in the country.
Providing the English meaning for the vernacular acronym (UNIBOA) which means “The Child Has Grown” Mr. Wilson flanked by one of UNIBOA’s officials in Liberia James Kelley thanked Trembo National Association of America for helping to support and improve Liberia’s health sector.
The former UNIBOA’s leader stated that even though they are a Bassa organization but they also stretch out their hands to other Counties because, they are all Liberians.
He historicized that when he was National President in 2016, UNIBOA also donated medical supplies to Liberia worth $USD 25,000 and one of the beneficiaries then was the Lutheran Hospital in Lofa County something they are repeating this time around to Gbarpolu County.
“We always extend our helping hands outside of our jurisdiction, because we are all one people “, he maintained.
The donation was made possible through the partnership with the Trembo National Association of America.
The group through its President Harry D. Kpoh Jr, lamented that his organization is also very happy to be a part of this effort which compliments government’s drive in achieving the pressing health needs of every Liberian.
Partnering with different donors in the United States of America, Mr. Kpoh said their goal among other things is to get lifesaving supplies including medical equipment, high protein food and other needs that required for the people of Liberia.
He at the same time acknowledged the good partnership and collaboration both with the Ministry of Health and the United Bassa Organization in the Americas which saw the donation ceremony brought to fruition a reality.
“We value and cherished your collaboration especially the duty free privileges which has greatly help us to in return help our brothers and sisters back home”, he added.
Though the items were donated at the Ministry but will be subsequently transfered to the CH Rennie Hospital; Grand Bassa and Gbarpolu counties.
(October 26, 2021, Congo Town, Monrovia, Liberia)—Liberia’s Health Minister Dr. Wilhelmina Jallah along with team of officials at the Ministry of Health on Tuesday, October 26, 2021, received a huge entourage headed by the Republic of Sierra Leone Vice President Mohammed Juldeh Jalloh.
The Sierra Leonean Vice President told Dr. Jallah and her Technicians that their visit to the Ministry was met to get firsthand information on how Liberia’s Health System is managed; and henceforth, build future bilateral relations that would enhance the provision of quality health services between the two Mano River Nations.
“Madam Minister, I supposed to be here with my health advisor, but I am sorry she’s on different assignments. Anyway, we have purposely come to get information on hospital management and its decentralization in Liberia’s. Because we have almost met the threshold of the Abuja Declaration, which calls for African Union Countries to allocate at least 15% of annual budget to improve the Health Sector.
“As we approach 2023, our government has allocated much to the health Sector with still little improvements in areas, which need urgent attention,” VP Jalloh told the gathering.
However, disclosing to the Sierra Leonean VP and his entourage, Dr Jallah assessed the country’s health administrative structure from decentralization to its complimentary components that are responsible for the day-to-day affairs of various health facilities’ functions across the Country.
“Mr Vice President, I want to say you are wholeheartedly welcome to visit us at the Ministry of Health. However, our health system is structure in the way that the County Health Officers are trained to manage our hospitals across the nation”, Dr. Jallah in a brief remark.
In the context of overseeing health administrators to provide effective and efficient management of medical centers, managing clinical operations, liaising between the administration and medical staff, and ensuring that patients receive the highest standard of medical care, Liberia’s Chief Medical Officer, Dr. Francis Kateh told the visiting guests that the health system is annexed in three tiers of care – primary, secondary, and tertiary.
Placing emphasis on the primary health system, Dr Kateh said this strategy was designed to get community dwellers in the health care delivery system by recruiting them to serve as primary health care providers in their respective communities, giving that almost two-thirds of Liberian households are located outside of facility locations.
“This necessitated a different approach to bridge the gap between available workforce and local health and service delivery needs. Consequently, the decision was made to adopt more informal methods. For example, a corps of Community Health Workers, equipped, trained, well supported, and recognized as a formal cadre within the County Health Teams would link dispersed populations to services and facilities at reasonable cost, and would form the backbone of Liberia’s rural health delivery strategy”, Dr Kateh.
(October 19, 2021, Monrovia, Liberia)—the Minister of Health, Dr. Wilhelmina Jallah on Monday, October 19, 202, received a brand-new JAC jeep from Liberia’s first Lady H.E. Madam Clar Marie Duncan Weah in fulfillment of her Commitment during the 2021 Presidential Tour in Bomi County, to the Suehn Mecca Health Center.
Dr. Jallah, fully attired in dominant blue suit—beamed with unending smiles occasioned by overwhelming enthusiasm, which inspired hard work—moved to the podium to receive the vehicle’s keys.
Upon receiving the vehicle on behalf of the Ministry of Health for further handing over to the Bomi County Health Team, the Health Minister thanked the First Lady for the donation; expressing that it would address pressing health needs in Bomi County and its surroundings.
Earlier, while speaking during a brief presentation ceremony at the Health Ministry in Congo Town, First Lady Clar Weah said she was moved by the exemplary work being done by health workers in Suehn Mecca amid the tedious challenges as explained by Senator Snowe during the President’s visit there.
As a champion against maternal and neonatal mortality, the Liberian First Lady recalled that she was particularly attracted to how caregivers in the midwifery section of the health center ‘walked distances or commuted on motor bikes to perform delivery and other related services.’
“I noted with heavy heart as Senator Snowe singled out a midwife by the name Mrs. Sando M.S. Cole, who is the Supervisor of the Reproductive Health Services, and how she makes extra sacrifices to save the lives of precious young Liberians, some of whom could be the next Doctors, Pharmacists, Nurses, Engineers or maybe the future Presidents,” said Mrs. Weah.
“Being a health practitioner myself and most importantly as a mother, I was troubled in my spirit and was moved, without a second thought, to do something.
“Today, in fulfillment of that commitment, I have come to donate to the Suehn-Mecca Health Center a brand new JAC Jeep, which will be used to ease movement to hard-to-reach places in the County and support the work of the facility,” asserted Mrs. Weah.
Meanwhile, the Liberian First Lady expressed profound gratitude to health workers across the country for their commitment to saving precious lives, while praising the exemplary leadership of Health Minister Dr. Wilhelmina Jallah and Bomi County Senator Edwin Melvin Snowe.
Also speaking, Senator Snowe welcomed Mrs. Weah’s gesture to the Bomi County Health System and pledged his commitment to work with her in various ways to improve the lives of Liberians especially the less fortunate.
In addition to the vehicle, the First Lady presented 500 United States Dollars to Mrs. Sando Cole as a personal token of appreciation for her hard work and dedication to the health sector.
Mrs. Cole along with Bomi County Health Officer Dr. Siana Jackson and other members of the health team was also grateful to the Liberian First Lady.
Finally, the turnover ceremony was graced by First Lady Clar Weah, Senator Edwin Melvin Snowe, Dr. Wilhelmina Jallah, Deputy Minister Norwu Howard; Dr. Siana Jackson, Bomi County Health Officer, Sando Cole, among others.
Felecia Gbesioh Director of Communications, MOH, RL
(Saturday, October 16, 2021, Todee, District)—the Ministry of Health through the National Eyes Health Program on Saturday, October 16, 2021, joined global partners to observe World Eye Sight Day.
World Sight Day is an international day of awareness, held annually on the second Thursday of October, to focus attention on the global issue of eye health, with a theme: “Love Your Eyes”.
In fulfilment of this historic occasion, earlier awareness was created in Todee District, rural Montserrado County. People living blindness or having eye sight issues were assembled at the Nyehn Health Center to receive free screenings and medical.
This year awareness is more important than ever as recently researchers have found a rise in nearsightedness in children during home confinement due to the pandemic. To help you access important educational information, we’ve put together a collection of resources that can be used individually.
“World Sight Day, observed annually on the second Thursday of October, is a global event meant to draw attention on blindness and vision impairment,” Dr Joseph Kerkulah, Director, National Eye Health Program at the Ministry of Health. “This year World Sight Day was observed on October 14 globally, but we decided to push it to this day (Saturday) to enable our people to fairly be a part of the process—the free eye screening you see our nurses and medical experts are carrying out here. Reduced or absent eyesight can have major and long-lasting effects on all aspects of life, including daily personal activities, interacting with the community, school and work opportunities and the ability to access public services.”
Several persons who went to the Nyehn Health Center expressed on how it takes to have or experience reduced eyesight which is reportedly caused by several factors, including diseases like diabetes and trachoma, trauma to the eyes, or conditions such as refractive error, cataracts, age-related macular degeneration or glaucoma.
“my eyes have been giving me hard time since 20 years ago. It started in 2000 when I was laying down after burning my cold; and while I eyes were opened, something dropped in my left eye. Since then, I have been experiencing little problem. But now, I barely read without eye glasses”, Eric Frederick, 55, a resident of Dogbah-Lon Ton, explained his ordeal.
Lions Clubs International partnered with blindness prevention organizations worldwide to commemorate the first World Sight Day on October 8, 1998. This event was later integrated into VISION 2020, a global initiative that the IAPB coordinates.
This year celebration is a joint program organized by the Ministry of Health, Lions club International, LV Prasad Eye Institute, EyeIliance, Sight Saver, Samaritan’s Purse and OneSight.
(October 15, 2021, Congo Town, Monrovia, Liberia)—Liberia’s Health Minister, Dr. Wilhelmina Jallah, has hailed Samaritan’s Purse International for supporting and immediately intervening in the delivery of an emergency stock of oxytocin drugs to River Gee and Grand Gedeh Counties, respectively.
Earlier, the Fixed Amount Reimbursement Agreement Project (FARA) initiated the distribution of about 700 virals of oxytocin but was unable to complete the delivery due to the poor road connectivity in the Southeastern region of the Country, which led to FARA’s vehicles stocking mud while transporting the consignments to those Counties for onward distribution to health facilities in the region.
Since 2010, Samaritan’s Purse International has been working with the government of Liberia to provide health services to rural Liberians, first in the basic package of health services (BPHS) program, and now in the essential package of health services (EPHS) program.
During these periods, the Christian Organization has played key roles in mentoring health facility staff in the supervision of Community Health Workers (CHWs), supporting the professional development of CHWs and facilitating the development of positive relationships between communities and the health facilities.
Giving the supportive activities being initiated by Samaritan’s Purse coupled with commitment and dedication to the nation’s health sector, especially during these difficult times of global pandemic, such a partnership must be appreciated and embraced by all.
Meanwhile, Dr Jallah has also extolled both local and international partners for always being committed and supportive to provision of quality health care services delivery to the public in general.